Our Story
Half a world away in East Africa, there is a small orphanage in Kajiado, Kenya called Vijiji Home of Light (VHL).
The home was started in 2007 as political rioting in Kenya subjected many children to the slaughter of their families in the streets. Sarah Fanjo, director/founder of the orphanage, was called at the age of 65 by the Lord to open this home for these children in need. The stories of God’s faithfulness in providing for Sarah and these children are numerous. Sarah started the home using her own retirement money to support the children and quickly exhausted her personal funds.
The Vine Community Church in Cumming, GA (TheVineCC) soon became aware of this children’s home through a relationship with Sarah and former Associate Pastor at The Vine, Rod Entrekin. The Vine decided to support the needs of VHL in 2013 by engaging the congregation in a sponsorship program. This program provided the directors of the home with much needed relief as concerns for feeding and educating the children were high. With funds from the sponsorship program, the children have had better access to daily meals and education as well as a little funding for daily projects at the home. Some children have been placed in families either by adoption or reintegration with their own families.
In 2014, after 7 years in a bad living situation with unsupportive landlords, a Kenyan man named Peter, donated land to Vijiji Home of Light. Peter had learned that he was adopted from a place similar to VHL and was moved to provide Sarah with a safe place to build the orphanage. VHL officially moved to “the promised land” in late 2014, finally having a place they could call their own. This place, located about 45 minutes south of Nairobi, has been a continuous gift from God! Since moving, God has provided a permanent home, a well, solar power, electricity, a fence, and a deep joy as well as a feeling of home for these children!
We believe the future is bright, yet we are trusting God with his plans for these children and this home. Lord help your church, by your grace and strength alone, continue to answer your call to……