Mum Sarah
Mum Sarah is the founder of VHL. She still works with VHL by attending the yearly government meetings and conferences. Some of these meetings are far away and happen with very little notice. These meetings are important as they keep VHL informed of any regulation changes and recommended or mandatory programs for the children. Although Mum Sarah is still able and happy to serve in this capacity, her health and age is catching up with her. We hope to allow her to retire soon! We’re praying for a trainable, honest, Christ centered Kenyan to take her place, otherwise her son John will fill her role.

John Mwasi
John is Mum Sarah’s son. After 8 years of training and growing in faith, he took the place as “official” head Director, as well as the spiritual guide at VHL. John dreams of one day becoming a Pastor! He is the main contact for VHL and manages everything from weekly rations, finances/budget in Kenya, pantry supplies/shopping, troubleshooting, the staff at VHL, future planning, care of the children, programs for the children, and the list goes on!

Eva Mwasi
Eva is the wife of John and is the Assistant Director of VHL. She is responsible for the day to day running of the orphanage. Her roles as an Assistant Director include preparation, organizing, and storing information about the children in both paper and digital form. She handles queries both on phone and email. Eva is hostess at VHL when visitors and government officials visit. She manages the files, schedules meetings, and organizes outings for the children. She also manages the menu as well as keeps track of the supplies both in the pantry and the stock room. Eva deals with the food suppliers and makes sure that the quality of the supplies is good for the children. Eva is indispensable as a Mum figure and an amazing encourager for the children!

Sarah Johnson
Sarah first found out about Vijiji Home of Light by visiting The Vine Community Church with family friends. She was then led to go on The Vine’s mission trip and first went to Kenya in 2014. She immediately fell in love with the children at Vijiji Home of Light and all of those involved. Within two days of her trip, she knew she would return to Kenya. She then became part of the 2015, 2016, and 2017 teams. Throughout her visits with Vijiji Home of Light, she built relationships with the children, staff and directors. In 2016, she was asked to join as a member of the board. Since then, she has been involved in running the Facebook and Instagram pages, supervising the onsite social worker, and supporting fellow directors in VHL’s mission. In 2017, she had the opportunity to live in Kenya for 6 months and serve VHL. She worked closely with the Mwasi’s to plan for future developments, research self-sustainable measures, work on improvement projects onsite, and ran a Vacation Bible School while the children were on school holiday. In addition, she assisted in counseling the children and mentoring the onsite social worker in proper documentation and procedure for VHL. She eagerly anticipates her return to VHL in the near future and continues to serve VHL from the states.

Libby Dixon
Libby joined a mission trip from The Vine Community Church to Kenya Africa in 2009. Libby went on this trip because her daughter, who was 17 at the time, really felt God was calling her to go. Little did she know that God was also calling her. As she says, “It just took me longer to figure this out!”. The Vine was considering not returning to visit the Vijiji Home of Light, so in 2010 there was no team. God wouldn’t allow Libby to forget about Vijiji even though she was already active in missions throughout various places around the world. The relationship and love she had for Vijiji grew until her heart was gloriously broken for them! After hearing God’s call on her heart and life, she co-led a team in 2011. Since 2011, God has molded her as a team leader, and given her the privilege to escort teams to visit Vijiji Home of Light every year since. In 2013, Libby became a Director on the board for VHL. Libby says, “Seeing God work miracles at Vijiji, continue to grow our faith, and increase our love and trust in Him has been worth every moment of hardship!”.

Ronald is being trained as a social worker, but is also the VHL administrator. Ronald is managed by John, but remotely reports to Sarah Johnson in the U.S. Ronald is the go-to guy. He handles the oversight of each child’s case reviewing all court cases, police reports, background checks, reintegration and foster home visits, negotiates school costs, and keeps the files on each child and staff member current. Ronald still finds time to play and interact with all the children at VHL as well! In 2011, Ronald adopted a daughter from Vijiji Home of Light.

Mums and Aunties
The Mum’s and Aunties at VHL are responsible for the care and medical wellbeing of all the children. Everything from baby care, to teenage training and discipline. The Mum’s pair the children up into groups of 4 varying ages, then oversee each group. Two older children are given several younger children to look after with all reporting to their designated Mum. Cooking, cleaning, supervising homework and personal supplies, washing clothes and making sure all are bathed is just a small look into their day! Without the Mum’s, VHL couldn’t work. These women have families of their own outside of VHL, yet still give sacrificially and love the children really well. They are scheduled to alternate on a three week rotation, so they each have a week off every month. They also get to choose one month out of the year to be with their actual families. During these months, VHL hires a fill in “Auntie”.